Setting the scene: Opportunities and obstacles on the path to a sustainable Europe

The opening plenary discussion will involve presentations from key representatives of the EU institutions on the challenges facing environmental and sustainable development policy in Europe today, as well as the opportunities for making real progress, reactions from other stakeholders and a debate involving all speakers and participants.

Moderator: Jacki Davis, Journalist, Editor and Senior Adviser to the European Policy Centre


André Weidenhaupt, Director General, Department of the Environment, Ministry of Sustainable Development and Infrastructure, Luxembourg, on behalf of the Luxembourg Presidency of the European Union

Daniel Calleja Crespo, Director General, DG Environment, European Commission

Molly Scott Cato, Member of the European Parliament, Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance


Katharina Reuter, Managing Director, UnternehmensGrün e.V. and co-founder of

Barbara Helfferich, Director of the European Anti-Poverty Network and Vice-President of Social Platform

Jos Dings, Director, European Federation for Transport and Environment (T&E)